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“May the beauty of your life become more visible to you, that you may glimpse your wild divinity.”

—John O’Donahue

Creativity. Healing. Vitality. 

These are qualities we all possess and we all long to embody more fully.

I mentor by coming along beside you as you engage and use all that you have to become more alive, more wholly yourself, and more creative and vital in your life and work. It is a form of weaving and what's beautiful is that you already have all that you need to create beauty--even out of ashes. Mentorship works with what you already have and who you already are. This is not a practice of self-improvement, self-help or striving.

Mentorship is for you if:

*you are seeking, curious about or open to a spiritual perspective

*are willing, ready and longing for healing and wholeness

*are open to creative, original and unexpected solutions

*genuinely ready to come more alive and vital in your work and life

I'm honored that people have called on me for spiritual support, care and mentorship for all kinds of needs over the course of more than twenty years. My training and vocational work as a minister, coupled with my creative work as a writer and weaver, and my practice as a yoga teacher and spiritual counselor, form the bedrock of my professional experience.

My practice now focuses on creative mentoring for makers, mothers, artists, writers, free-spirits and others pursuing healing and deepening on their path.  

Mentorship is generally an on-going or longer-term relationship. When I work with someone as a mentor, I see myself as a metaphysical midwife. Not unlike the work of a real midwife, I can guide, assist, support, challenge and hold space. My experience in mentoring is that it often, and quite quickly, brings clarity, transformation, peace, healing and joy.

There are many wonderful things about this kind of work. It's quite different than therapy and because of how I work, I generally have time and openings to meet with you when a need arises. Mentorship meetings are usually an hour in length, in person or via the phone (zoom optional) with a fee of $100 per hour. A sliding scale is available.

Please reach out for a (free) introductory conversation if you are considering mentorship.