backyard with purple scarf
sam at the MICA show

I am a weaver.

Of words and fabric and healing.

But not just any weaver, I am a wild weaver.

When we hear "wild" we think crazy. But that's not what it means.

Wild: unbroken, natural, native, untamed, unfettered

Wouldn't you like to weave your own wildness back into your life?

My work as a weaver and a mentor uses what we have and what we are

to make something beautiful, useable, functional, original, perfect and wild.

As a weaver, my tools are intuition, spontaneity, sacred listening, presence and divine improvisation.

Those are my tools as a mentor. And as a mother and writer, too.

Making beautiful, meaningful, useful fabric is not so different from making a beautiful, meaningful and useful life.

The weaving I create is for beauty, healing and awakening to the wild.

What can I weave for you?


About once a week I send out an email with a story, news, inspiration, thoughts and love to my wonderful and wilde community. I'd love to have you join.

            some wonderful stuff folks have said about me...

Sam is at once irreverent and holy, serious and playful, relaxed and disciplined. I truly believe she is gifted to bring peace and deeper thinking to those who practice with her, and I am so fortunate to have been her student in my lifetime. --Becca R.

You are a powerful force of joy and awakeness in these dark times! You are a gift to this world and have so much deeply lived wisdom and peace-loving groundedness. I am grateful for your non-judgmental and fully present aliveness and humor. You are using your human life so fully and I always find myself thinking of our conversations long after. --Sarah G.

Her classes have made me laugh, cry, and gain a sense of serenity that is difficult to ever find in every day life. Sam has truly enriched my life beyond measure. She will always be with me. --Magdalena B.

I have followed Sam all over the Valley. She has been my guru, inspiration, and source of spirituality for years. Time in her presence gives me peace, her class gives me joy.
I am ever so grateful. --Anne C.

The greatest value of Samantha Wilde's spiritual counsel is its practicality. Rather than simply repackaging some high-falutin' spiritual adages, her reflections actually trigger what I might call "the common sense of the heart." Her words prompt me to think about who I am and who I want to be, who we all are and what kind of world we might want to create. --Ted S.

She brings yoga to life with a sense of humor and a spiritual lens. As a teacher she has given me the gift of yoga that I practice in my daily life. --Lillian M



Sam is not a yoga instructor. She's a masterful storyteller, meditation in motion as we are lulled into different postures with her incredible melody of words. I adore this woman and I know you will too! To take her class is to go on a guided journey. She's wise, wickedly funny and is incredibly kind. --Lisa SH

I am 92. I've been schooled in religion my whole life. I heard something in your [words] I've never heard before. What you said excited me. --Russell L

Sam has a natural ability to understand people in a very deep way.... The best word I can use to describe her is authentic. With Sam, you get the Real Deal. --Jessica R.

Your unwavering flow of love in words and actions whether in church, yoga or private conversations is always a blessing. you have touched many with your wisdom, love and yes, laughter also. I am blessed by all of the times we have shared and your words remain with me in times of need. Thanks be to our Creator for you. --Maureen G.



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I honor the light within you.