Few things in life are perfect, right?
Well, I suppose it depends on how we define perfect.
For example, my first tapestry of 2025 is perfect.
It is perfectly itself. It is the perfect expression of what it is. (The Tree of Life is available in the shop.)
We are, as people, as artists, as creators or writers, often trying to be something else. But a tree does not long to be anything but a tree, does it? We may long to be something different a hundred times a day. To be calmer or richer or healthier or kinder or less resentful or more relaxed or more prosperous or more loved…I could go on for a nearly infinite amount of time!
“The Tree of Life” is one of my favorite pieces ever. I love the way it is a bit raggedy. I love the way it is touchable. I love how the tree nearly jumps off the warp. I love the way the fabric warp looks. It is at once a vintage, patchwork, folksy feel–my favorite–and a colorful exploration of whimsy.
The Tree of life is itself an archetype found in nearly every sacred tradition. I talk about how this piece came into being in one of my latest videos. You might enjoy watching it.
The tree yarn was gifted to me by a fiber artist. I talk about that story in the video. I love how the tree expresses perfect uniqueness–but in that is unity and connection.
In other words, being the perfect expression of ourselves is not an isolating experience.
And we always think it is, don’t we? We always think if we are really ourselves with someone else or with a bunch of people, we will be ostracized or seen as weird or noticed as too different or too other or too much or not enough or whatever…you get what I’m saying.
But the perfect is the expression of divine originality. When we open to it we are connected to LIFE. Yes, the kind with all capital letters. Our small life is our life when we are trying to be perfect. Our big life is when we are allowing perfection to be expressed through us.
Is this a perfect tapestry? What definition do we use? Is our measuring stick joy? Or is it conformity? Is it satisfaction? Or is it similarity?
Maybe it’s time to grow in new ways. To express our perfect originality. To be more alive, more colorful, more vibrant, more unique. What do you think?
Please find “The Tree of Life” in the shop, available for purchase now. As with all my pieces, there is only one. And she brings her magic with her!