
I teach a new experience of an ancient practice.

Join the 2023 New Year Yoga Intensive

At the intersection of my twenty years of teaching yoga, more than thirty five of practicing, and my work as a feminist liberation theologian, comes a yoga practice rooted in a new, freeing understanding of embodiment. This practice meets our deepest needs, and the needs of the larger world, to come truly alive.

These ideas underpin all of my classes, workshops, and trainings.

Join the mailing list to hear about classes, online offerings, workshops and training.

What's with this feminist yoga?

* Despite the fact that the majority of practitioners are women, modern American yoga  isn't fundamentally based in the soil of feminism. 

* It rests strongly inside our patriarchal, capitalist culture, causing harm in many ways including presenting images of women's bodies that objectify and divide, that are selling or for sale.

* This effects how we practice, how we think about our bodies, and what yoga can do in the world. 

* Feminism is the antidote to patriarchy.

*Feminism is about human liberation.

*and so is yoga!

The feminism I engage is the practice of consistently correcting errors of vision, thought and understanding about WHO we are and WHO we should be. It's the work of human liberation, clear seeing, and systemic change.

What would it feel like for you to practice a yoga that stepped completely outside of the patriarchy? That belonged to a freeing, elevating new experience that served you AND  expanded into a more satisfying, just way of living?

This kind of yoga will:

* change your relationship with your body

* invite you to move in new ways on your yoga mat

* bring you more alive

* help you effect the larger changes you long for

* bring you into a position of power as a

co-creator of a more free world

Look for the next

Do Yoga Like a Feminist Workshop

Of all the yoga teachers Sam is by far the most special and unique teacher of all. Every class is a joy. Her classes have made me laugh, cry, and gain a sense of serenity that is difficult to ever find in every day life.
—Magdalena B.

Sam Wilde is an exceptional teacher. She creates an environment in her classes that is accepting and encouraging.”
—Marie W.

Working with Sam on the Mother's Day Retreat was a great and special experience. The class was made up of a variety of women with different levels of mothering...some brand new, and some that were already into the grandmother business.  We shared, we did yoga, we laughed, and we comforted one another.  It was a very special day....uniquely crafted by Sam, an insightful and gifted teacher. --Pattie L.

I never felt that I was inadequate because my body was somewhat inflexible or my poses were awkward. Sam makes all her students feel that they are an integral part of her class. Over the years I have grown in strength and flexibility and have deepened my understandings of yoga. I love being your student. —Rachel W.

Sam taught me that yoga is a practice and there is no perfect pose. She taught me to recognize the strengths you have in your body and not to focus on the weaknesses. Her gentle way of pushing us to recognize that we are stronger than we think, helped me to feel confidence that my body could do poses I would never think I could! She brings yoga to life with a sense of humor and a spiritual lens. As a teacher she has given me the gift of yoga that I practice in my daily life. --Lillian M

Classes were very calming and helped with my physical and mental balance and flexibility. She has been a unique and wonderful teacher with her caring, encouraging, and humorous style – always accepting the limitations of her students.   --Sarah P

Sam is the best yoga teacher I have had in many ways. She understands what yoga is all about, the physical and the spiritual aspects, and is able to project this to those in her class. She led each class always with a serene and caring attitude, and appreciated the uniqueness of each of her students.-- Linda L